2024-01-10 QA with Glen
nishio and glen

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4: 2

5: LLM

glen JainHItzigContextual Information Integrity

7: ABCTerry Witcraft

8: QV
glen 使


nishiothe union of the unlike🖖

1: Regarding the square root scale: Is it correct to understand that if a method for collaboration among 100,000 diverse entities is developed, then by applying the same method to the group of 100,000 that has come together, it can be extended to the entire world's population of 10 billion people? In Japan, this computer algorithm is referred to as 'heihō bunkatsu' (), but I'm not sure what it's called in English.
glen Read the From Plurality to Reality chapter for details

2: Is the binary thinking mentioned in the context of privacy and Alexis de Tocqueville the idea that the binary division between the individual and the whole is a flawed binary, and in reality, there are many smaller communities nested within the whole?
glen Check out the paper on Plural Publics and the Association chapter

3: Regarding the Miraikan museum: I heard that the exhibition related to aging was excellent, and I'm curious about which specific exhibits were particularly good. Japan is experiencing significant aging, which has led to criticisms that it has eroded competitiveness in elections and that more funds are allocated to the welfare of the elderly rather than investing in the future. The relationship between aging and democracy is an insightful topic that could pique the interest of the Japanese in Plurality. I'm going to the museum today.
glen I liked everythign I saw, but only saw a part.

4: Regarding the two means of resisting ranking, is it correct to understand that in a one-dimensional space, there is an obvious total order, but in a multi-dimensional space, there is no obvious total order?
glen yes
5: Is your response to the question of whether people who don't even participate in voting might not engage in more complex political systems that people are already participating in society and sharing various information, but that information is not being utilized and is being lost, so if LLM develops, it will enable broader bandwidth communication?
glen yes
6: What should someone interested in learning more about Designated Verifier Signature look into?
glen Check out the Contextual Information Integrity paper by Jain and HItzig
7: Voice recognition wrote 'Emmy award-winning former ABC News producer Terry Witcraft,' but I might be recognizing the name incorrectly. What is the correct name?
glen Whitcraft
8: I tried to find the relationship between Magic the Gathering and QV but couldn't understand it.
glen Creator is working on a game using those mechanics
9: Also, this is a personal question, but I'm very interested in the origin of the concept of 'broad listening' that you mentioned while walking down the street, but my poor ears couldn't catch it. I'd like to see it in text.
glen This comes from Andrew Trask, a student of mine at Oxford

glen all excellent quetions
nishio those are results from the union of the unlike🖖